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Alleviating Headaches and Peripheral Neuropathy in the Upper Body

Alleviating Headaches and Perifpheral Neuopathy in the Upper Body

Do you have headaches??? Try this:

Did you know that the source of most headaches might not be in your head? From my experience, many headaches stem from tightness in the subscapularis muscle. The skeleton picture shows it in red.

Alleviating Headaches and Perifpheral Neuopathy in the Upper Body

This muscle tends to tighten since our arms by are by our sides all day or we're typing away at our computer. When this muscle gets to tight it essentially glues our shoulder blades to the back of our rib cages! If he shoulder blades aren't swinging freely the neck starts to compensate which then causes your headaches.

Mandi Headrick

By incorporating a simple stretch demonstrated for you to the left you allow your shoulder blades the freedom to swing freely on your ribs, releasing tension in the subscapularis muscle and potentially reducing your headaches. The most important part of this stretch(or any stretch really) is the BREATH. Without a giant gulp of air in our lungs in this movement you won't be creating much space in the torso. You must expand! So, go on, stand up reach really high and to the side and take the biggest breath you can. For most of us, it will feel tight and constricted and challenging to get air. Rest assured everyone experiences that when they first begin this movement. You've got this! If this movement is challenges your balance so much that you aren't getting a stretch in your upper body - don't worry about crossing your legs deal with our head ache first, you can balance later.

The second technique involves a more challenging but effective approach. This movement is more advanced as it requires some core strength and will need equipment. You will need a foam roller at least 6 inches in width and I suggest getting one 36 inches in length. For this movement in particular length won't matter but there will be future stretches posted that will require a longer foam roller.

Mandi Headrick

Using a foam roller, you can target the significant knot that often forms in this area. Be prepared – this process can be uncomfortable! As you locate the knot binding your shoulder blade to your ribs, you may experience a profoundly pronounced ache in your shoulder. Don't be alarmed; this discomfort indicates you're on the right track. Breathe deeply and persist in rolling to release those knots. Breathe! Your aren't in danger even if that emotion arises for you. Finding peace in the chaos is half the battle. Roll and Breathe.


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